Dheeraj Kumar is one of the very renowned actors in the Pollywood film industry. The actor recently revealed that he began filming for his next film titled “Sharhen Di Joon Buri.” He disclosed this news by posting pictures on his social media handles.
Dheeraj Kumar took on his Instagram handle to share a picture with the clapboard in hand. He captioned, “Start new journey.. , Pamma and Shinda back with ghaint subject “Sharhean Di Joon Buri” This picture is from the very first day of him on sets.
Narinder Singh Sohi is directing this film which is written by himself. Whereas Gurpreet Singh Maan is serving as the producer of this film. The makers and actors haven’t revealed many details about Sharhean Di Joon Buri.
Meanwhile, Dheeraj Kumar will next appear in Gunda. He will be also seen in Warning alongside Gippy Grewal. Both of these films will release next year.