The Pollywood film industry recently faced a huge setback during the time of the lockdown. But now the industry is reviving at its full speed. The makers are announcing back to films and are not wasting any time for starting its production. Recently famous writer and director of the Pollywood film industry, Inder Sohi announced his new film titled “Sharhean Di Joon Buri.”
The great thing is that the makers already started its production and took the muhurat shot a few weeks ago. Inder Sohi himself prepared the story and screenplay of Sharhean Di Joon Buri. He will also take care of the cinematography of this film. Whereas it is being produced under the banner of Seerat Productions.
Posted by Sukhi Nabha on Friday, 20 November 2020
The fans will see Dheeraj Kumar, Daljeet Kalsi, Navdeep Kaler, Prince KJ, and Aman Kotish as the lead actors in this film. The fans can expect this movie to release in the second half of 2021. The makers will soon announce its official release date.