Aamir Khan recently flew to Turkey to resume the filming of his upcoming film, Laal Singh Chaddha. However, upon his arrival in Turkey, the fans there broke all the social distancing norms and mobbed the star just to catch a glimpse or to click pictures with him. And, yes, once they came close to click selfies, they also pulled down their mask amid the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Aamir Khan is the second actor to go abroad to resume the production of its film. Before him, Akshay Kumar went to the UK to complete a 45-day shoot of Bell Bottom. The actors take all the precautions while filming. However, the fans ignored all the rules for catching a glimpse.
Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor starer, Laal Singh Chaddha, was originally scheduled to release on Christmas 2020. But due to the delay in filming caused by the production shutdown, the makers postponed the release of this much-awaited film to Christmas 2021.