The good news is finally here. Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma announced that Anushka is pregnant, and they’re expecting their first child soon. Both of them posted an adorable picture on their Instagram handles with the same caption. It reads, “And then, we were three! Arriving Jan 2021.”
In this picture, Anushka Sharma is flaunting her baby bump, and the broad smile on the face of Virat and Anushka is saying it all. It seems like their marriage, the couple managed to keep her pregnancy also a secret because Anushka already entered her second trimester.
Just a few days back, Anushka Sharma was trending because of her sensational photoshoot for Vogue. The duo is also giving several couple goals since the beginning of the lockdown.
Right after their posts, social media began to flood with wishes for them. Many celebrities commented on their post to wish them. And some even reposted their picture as a story.