One of the famous directors of Bollywood Anees Bazmee is all set to resume the filming of Bhool Bhulaiya 2. However, before Kartik Aryan and Kiara Advani appear back on sets, the director will completely remodel it. The makers create the set in Lucknow before the lockdown but they won’t be able to use it because of the sudden hit of the global health crisis.
Now the set has been widely affected by the rainfall and the creators have to re-create it. The makers and the stars are excited to make their way back on screen. The creators already accelerated the process and are planning to resume the filming Bhool Bhulaiya 2 by the next month.
According to a report by MIdday, the director said, “We had created a haveli in Lucknow. Now that the monsoon is over, we will have to restructure the set and polish it before we start shooting. It needs a little bit of work.”