According to the latest reports, Janhvi Kapoor is all set to star in the Hindi remake of the Malayalam film titled “Helen.” Mathukutty Xavier directed this film which was released last year. Anna Ben played the lead role in the original film last year.
According to the reports, Janhvi’s father Boney Kapoor bought the rights to this film. He is planning to co-produce this film along with Zee Studios. They are planning to begin the production of this film in early 2021. And this time, the film will also be made in Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
Helen is a survival thriller film. Its story follows a girl who is trapped inside a freezer room. Besides this film, Kanhvi Kapoor will also appear in Dharma Production’s Dostana 2 and Roohi Afzana. Her last release, Kargil received a mixed response from the fans.