Earlier this year, Aamir Khan agreed to be a part of the Hindi remake of Vikram Vedha. It is a film which will feature two lead actors. The reports were that Aamir Khan and Saif Ali Khan will be the duo who will act in its Hindi remake. But now according to the latest reports, Aamir Khan backed out of this project.
This film was supposed to begin in mid-2020. However, it got delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Aamir loved the script of the remake of this Tamil film. However, its screenplay didn’t interest him. As a result, he decided to back out of this project and will not be its part.
Saif Ali Khan is still associated with the remake and will most probably the second lead. Before Aamir Khan, this film wa also offered to Shah Rukh Khan but things didn’t work out. Now the makers are searching for the second lead for this film.