Earlier we revealed that Aamir Khan backed from the Hindi remake of the Tamil superhit film Vikram Vedha. And now according to the latest reports, Hritik Roshan is now the current favorite to replace him in this film. The fans will see two lead actors in this film. Currently, Saif Ali Khan is locked to play the second lead role.
The makers planned to start the production of this film back in March. However, it was the same month when the lockdown is imposed in the country. And this messed the schedule of the actors. In the end, Aamir Khan had to leave the film due to his other work commitments.
Now, the makers talked with Hritik Roshan to play the role that was playing by Aamir Khan in the remake of Vikram Vedha. And the actor really liked the role and gave a green signal. However, whether he signed on the dotted line or not is yet to be known.