Salman Khan recently released the first look teaser of his upcoming film titled “Antim: The Final Truth” Aayush Sharma is playing the villain in this film. Ever since the actor released the teaser there is a lot of buzz going around for this film. And now according to the latest reports, Varun Dhawan will also appear in this film for a special Ganpati song.
The fans will see Varun and Salman dancing together for the very first time. The shooting for this song will most probably be done by this weekend. Currently, it is unclear whether Aayush will be a part of this song or not. When Salman asked Varun about this song, he instantly said yes to come on board.
Salman Khan recently completed the shoot of Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai which is expected to release on Eid 2021. Now he is planning to wrap the shoot of Antim by the end of January and then he will shoot for his cameo as Tiger in Shah Rukh Khan’s starrer Pathan.