Aamir Khan is currently busy in the production of Laal Singh Chaddha which is one of the most awaited films. It was supposed to release on Christmas last year. However, it got delayed. Aamir Khan is known as the perfectionist of Bollywood and he always amazes his fans with the drastic transformations he made for the character.
According to the latest report by Pinkvilla, Aamir Khan might become a part of the sports drama helmed by the director of Shubh Mangal Savdhan, RS Prasanna. Aamir Khan has discussed the narrative of Laughter, Emotion, and Drama (LED) with him. And now he again initiates the talk with him. He really liked the concept of this film and it is likely that he will sign on the dotted line very soon.
This film is not an ordinary sports film. It falls under the category of a slice of sports film which has a unique story. Now it will be interesting to see whether Aamir Khan becomes a part of this film or not.