The Punjabi film industry seems to move forward at a quick pace. Last week Ranjit Bawa announced two back-to-back new projects and now Dheeraj Kumar is doing the same. It has only been a few days since Dheeraj Kumar announced Ruffal and now the actor announced another new film titled “Tu Judaa.”
The great thing is that the production of this movie has already started. Dheeraj Kumar took to his Instagram handle to share the picture of a clapboard from the sets of Tu Judaa. He captioned, “Action ton baad thoda Romance😍 ………..Tu Judaa.” His previously announced film Ruffal is an action film and now this one will be a romantic drama.
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Coming to the credits, Narinder Singh Sohi has written the script and is also serving as the director of Tu Judaa. The film will premiere on a yet-to-be-announced date under the banner of JB Movie Production.
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