Kapil Batra recently announced a new Punjabi film ‘Challa Ajj Kal,’ which will be produced under his banner. On the occasion of Kapil’s birthday, the whole team announce this project. They also informed the fans that this movie would be going to touch everyone’s hearts.
Pollywood is now one of the biggest regional film industries of India. And the upcoming movie Challa Ajj Kal is coming from the creators of ‘Zine Mera Dil Luteya’ and ‘Yaar Anmulle.’ So it’s surely looking quite promising.
They released a poster for Challa Ajj Kal, which is representing three aspects of a man’s life. It shows a man on a boat, a man with a gun, a man waiting to board his flight. The tagline reads, “Ae Punjab tere challe nu kadi neher kdi attwaad te kadi bahar le mulk le gaye.”