It has been announced several weeks ago that Honey Singh and Guru Randhawa are joining forces for a new track. Now, it has finally been revealed that the track is titled “Designer” and it would release this very month. Not only that, but the fans will also see Divya Khosla Khumar as the female lead in its music video.
Guru Randhawa took to his Instagram handle to share the first look poster of the Designer. In the caption, he mentioned that the Showstoppers are here to start the show. After that, he revealed that this track would release on May 19, 2022. The poster is monochrome and featured the silhouettes of all three artists.
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As a result, it caught everyone’s attention, and now fans just can’t keep their excitement. They are very curious to know more about this song, and hence they are desperately waiting for the makers to release its teaser. Designer will be released under the banner of T-Series on May 19, 2022.
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