Earlier this year, Ranjit Bawa announced that his next film “Parahuna 2” which will feature him and Aditi Sharma in leading roles will be released in June. However, the release date of this movie has been postponed again and now the fans have to wait for an extra month to watch this film in theaters.
Ranjit Bawa took to his Instagram handle to share the new poster of Parahuna 2. The poster confirmed that the film will hit the theater on August 26, 2022. In the caption, Ranjit wrote that it is the best film with the best story. Along with Ranjit Bawa & Aditi Sharma, the film will also feature Gurpreet Ghuggi, Ajay Hooda, Badar Khan & Oshin Brar in supporting roles.
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Coming to the credits, Ksshitij Chaudhary directed this film which is written by Dheeraj Kedarnath Rattan. Parahuna 2 will be released under the banner of Dara Films Entertainment & Banwait Films in association with Human Motion Pictures. The worldwide distribution of this film will be handled by White Hill Studios.
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