Earlier today famous Bollywood actor Aamir Khan and film producer Kiran Rao released a joint statement that stunned the entire entertainment industry. They are one of the most beloved couples in Bollywood but now they mutually decided to part ways and get a divorce. However, they will raise their son Azad together and will continue to work with each other on joint projects.
Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao met on the sets of the blockbuster film “Lagaan.” At that time, Kiran was working as an assistant director. Both of them fell in love and tied the knot in 2005. In 2011, the couple welcomed their first son and named him Azad. This news broke the hearts of many fans who wanted them to be together. But the couple wants them to see this divorce not as an end but as the start of their new journey.
Below is the joint statement that was given by the couple.
Kiran Rao is currently producing Aamir Khan’s upcoming project titled “Laal Singh Chaddha” which is inspired by the Hollywood blockbuster “Forrest Gump.” She already backed several blockbuster films of Aamir such as Dangal and Secret Superstar. This was Aamir Khan’s second marriage as he was previously married to Reena Dutta. He has two children with her, Ira Khan and Junaid Khan.
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