There is a piece of great news for the fans. According to the reports, Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani starrer ‘Laxmmi Bomb” is all set to release digitally. The film was originally supposed to release in May on the occasion of Eid but now it’s been postponed to another major festival, Diwali.
According to reports, the team finally decided on a date for the release of this film. And currently, it is rumored to be November 13, 2020. Laxmmi Bomb is in its post-production and all the remaining work will most-probably be completed by the month of October.
It is already decided that the film will premiere on DIsney+ Hotstar. And the network stars and the creators of the film are yet to make an official announcement regarding the film’s release.
If the film will release on the expected date, then it will clash with Varun Dhawan and Sara Ali Khan starrer “Coolie No 1.” And that will be the first major digital clash of in the Bollywood film industry.