The news is making its rounds that Alia Bhatt & Shah Rukh Khan are in talks for collaborating for a new project. The two of them gave the fans a memorable film “Dear Zindagi” back in 2016. Ever since then all of their fans are waiting for them to see together on screen.
According to the reports, SRK and Alia Bhatt might collaborate again. However, this time he won’t be seen as an actor but only as a Producer of the film. SRK’s Red Chillies Entertainment is planning to make a women-centric comedy-drama. And the first narration of the script had already taken place in his home.
And in this very round of narration Alia Bhatt shown her keen interest in the film. She will hear the remaining script in the upcoming months. And everything goes well, the film will go on floors in early 2021. Alia’s new movie “Sadak 2” premiered today on Disney+ Hotstar.