Alia Bhatt who was working in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi has finally resumed its filming. She has already started its production before the lockdown but then she had to stop it. The cast and crew just begin its production and they already started going with full speed. According to reports, they already pulled an all-nighter.
They continue right from where she left off before halting the production. However, a large part of the set got destroyed due to the heavy rainfall. They began shooting the remaining part of the set. The cast and crew started it from the evening and worked till morning.
Alia Bhatt is experimenting in this film and the fans will see her in the never seen before avatar. The team of Gangubai Kathiawadi is shooting under all the restrictions given by the government. Alia Bhatt will soon wrap up her schedule.