Diljit Dosanjh who recently slammed Kangana Ranaut for her false tweet in now the hearts of his fans again. He was recently spotted sitting along with farmers and supporting them in their protest. And now according to the latest report, Diljit Dosanjh donates Rs. 1 Crore for the farmers to buy winter wear essentials.
Farmers are not fighting with the government but they are also fighting with the chilling weather of Delhi. Therefore, Diljit decides to come forward to help them support in fighting the weather as well. Famous Punjabi singer, Singaa revealed this news on his Instagram stories. He expressed his gratitude for Diljit.
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Diljit Dosanjh has been supporting the farmers ever since they began their protest. With the donation, he also replied to those who were saying that celebrities are only supporting farmers for their own benefits and fame. Diljit also appealed to the government to accept the demand of the farmers as they’re peacefully performing their protests and also got support from the entire nation.