Jagdeep Sidhu’s latest release “Lekh” is still running successfully in the theaters, and the actor/director is already back with another new project. Jagdeep Sidhu recently announced a new Punjabi film and it is titled “Chabi Wala Bandar.” The title is quite catchy, and hence it instantly got everyone’s attention.
Jagdeep Sidhu took to his Instagram handle to announce this forthcoming film. In the caption, he thanked Gitaz Bindrakhiya for inspiring him for this movie. Jagdeep also appreciated him by saying the world needs more people like him. The caption also revealed that Jagdeep Sidhu would soon start auditioning for all the seven lead actors in this movie.
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Coming to the credits of Chabi Wala Bandar, the film is written by Jagdeep Sidhu and he would be the very person to direct this project as well. Chabi Wala Bandar will be released under the banner of Ranga Rang Films in Summer 2023. Now, the fans are very excited to get further updates on this movie and they’re also very curious to know about its lead actors as well.
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