Famous Indian actress Kajal Aggarwal finally confirmed her secret relationship with the businessman Gautam Kitchlu. The actress who won the hearts of her fans through her performance took on her social media handle to disclose this news. Kajal Aggarwal revealed that she would be marrying the love of her life, Gautam on October 30, 2020.
Kajal Aggarwal posted on her Instagram about the same. Her post reads, “It gives me immense joy to share that I am getting married to Gautam Kitchlu, on October 30, 2020, in Mumbai, in a small private ceremony surrounded by our immediate families. This pandemic has certainly shed a sobering light on our joy, but we are thrilled to start our lives together and know that all of you will be cheering un on in spirit. I thank you all the love you have showered upon me over the years and we seek your blessings as we embark upon this incredible new journey.”
She also cleared the doubt of her fans that she won’t quit acting after her marriage. She will continue to entertain the audience.