Kajal Aggarwal who recently revealed that she would be marrying a business named Gautam Kitchlu finally tied the knot with him on October 30. The fans were eagerly waiting for the actress to share the pics of her wedding as it was a private ceremony. Kajal finally shared it on her Instagram handle and she was looking really beautiful in the red lehenga by Anamika Khanna.
Kajal Aggarwal walked down the aisle with her father. This video was shared by her fan pages and she was looking very happy in it. She also shared her wedding pictures and shared some beautiful messages with them. In one of the pictures, she wrote “And just like that, from ms to Mrs! I married my confidante, companion, best friend, and soulmate. So glad I found all of this and my home in you.”
She shared a lot of beautiful pictures with her husband with some beautiful captions. We wish Gautam and Kajal a really happy married life.