The fans have been waiting for the much-awaited Bhool Bhulaiya 2 ever the makers announced it. Its cast which includes Kartik Aryan, Kiara Advani, and Tabu is making it even more special. They even started filming for this film but they got to halt its shooting because of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
According to the latest reports by Filmfare, Tabu who is playing an essential role in Bhool Bhulaiya is not free before Bhool Bhulaiya 2. The coronavirus pandemic already disturbed the schedule of this film. Therefore, now its filming will resume in July 2021.
Originally its filming was scheduled to begin later this month but now it is pushed back to July because of the busy schedule of Tabu. The makers will finalize its release date soon. Meanwhile, Kartik Aryan will begin shooting for Dostana 2 and the Hindi remake of Ala Vaikunthapuramloo.