Even since the release of Kabir Singh, Kiara Advani became the top star of the industry. And after giving solid performances in Good Newz and Guilty, she cemented her status in Bollywood. Kiara Advani was originally supposed to be seen Indoo Ki Jawani in June. However, the film got postponed due to the Coronavirus.
And now according to the reports, the makers are pretty impressed by the performance of Kiara. Therefore they approached her for another project. Nikkhil Advani produced Indoo Ki Jawani will be released later this year on the OTT platform. He really liked her and is currently in talks with her for his rom-com project. In this film, we will see an A-list Bollywood actor opposite Kiara.
Kiara Advani has a lot of upcoming films and it is only increasing with time. After Indoo, Laxmmi Bomb will also release digitally. After that, she will appear in SherShaah which will release in 2021. Kiara is also busy shooting for Bhool Bhulaiya 2. And she has another Raj Mehta’s film opposite Varun Dhawan.