Kareena Kapoor Khan and Aamir Khan are reuniting for their next project “Laal Singh Chaddha.” Aamir already resumed the filming in Turkey and now it seems like Kareena Kapoor will also be gearing up to complete her remaining shoot.
A few days back, Kareena Kapoor Khan announced that she is expecting her second child. She said, “We are very pleased to announce that we are expecting an addition to our family !! Thank you to all our well-wishers for all their love and support.” Right after this announcement, social media was filled with congratulatory wishes for her.
Now, Aamir Khan who was recently mobbed by fans in Turkey will focus on completing Kareena’s shoot again. The team will complete Kareena’s part of shoot first before the baby bump shows up. If they won’t be able to complete the shoot immediately then they have to wait for Kareena to return after giving birth to her child.