Earlier this month, Amberdeep Singh revealed that on December 3 he would release his next film in a collaboration with Omjee Star Studios. Now, it has been confirmed that this film would be Je Jatt Vigad Geya. It will feature Ambereep Singh, Nimrat Khaira, and Aditi Sharma in lead roles.
Amberdeep Singh took to his Instagram handle to share a picture in which the fans see him standing in the middle of people. In the caption, he told the fans to get ready on December 3. He also tagged Nimrat Khaira, Aditi Verma, Karamjit Anmol, and OMjee Star Studios revealing that this picture is from Je Jatt Vigad Geya.
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The story of Je Jatt Vigad Geya is quite serious. It revolves around the exploitation of farmers and their struggles and hardships. Amberdeep Singh has written and directed this movie himself and now he is set to impress the fans with his acting skills when Je Jatt Vigad Geya hits the theatres on December 3.
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