The Punjab film industry is in its full swing now. Karamjit Anmol has recently announced that he would soon appear in a new Punjabi film titled “Maa Da Sohna” along with the stars like Sardar Sohi and Sruishty Maan. Not only that but the actor also revealed that the shoot of this forthcoming movie has already been started.
Karamjit Anmol posted a video on his Instagram handle that he recorded from the sets of Maa Da Sohna. In this video, he introduced the cast and staff members of the movie. He also revealed that this upcoming film will be a lighthearted family drama, and the viewers will laugh their hearts out while watching it.
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Coming to the credits of Maa Da Sohna, Harpreet Bhutala is directing this film which was written by Torry Moudgil, whereas Naresh Singla is producing this movie, Maa Da Sohna will be released under YDW Productions on a yet-to-be-announced date. More information regarding this comedy-drama will likely be revealed when the makers will release its first poster.
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