Producers Bhushan Kumar and Murad Khetani have joined forces again. Their last collaboration, Kabir Singh was a blockbuster last year and now they’re coming with the sequel of Bhool Bhulaiya and the Hindi remake of Thadam. The makers already revealed that the fans will see Sidharth Malhotra and Mrunal Thakur in Thadam’s remake and now it seems like they finalize on the title as well.
According to the reports, the makers are planning to call this film “Gumrah.” According to the makers, the title suits the plot and the narrative of the film. We’ve already seen a film with the same title which stars Sanjay Dutt and Sridevi in it.
Sidharth will be playing a double role in this film whereas Mrunal will play the role of the cop. It is expected that the makers will begin its production by the end of this year.