Amar Sehmbi managed to win the hearts of his fans after delivering back-to-back soulful performances. He won the reality show titled Voice of Punjab Season 7 and never looked back in his life again. Now, the singer is all set to release another song titled “Sikandar” and has already released its poster.
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Amar Sehmbi took on his Instagram handle to share the poster of this song. After releasing the poster, Amar Sehmbi started the countdown for the release of this song and shared two more images. The countdown already reached one and that means Sikandar is all set to release tomorrow i.e. May 1, 2021.
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Coming to the credits, Amar Sehmbi has sung this song, Gill Raunta has penned down its lyrics and Laddi Gill is providing music to it. Sikandar will be released under the banner of Jass Records. Now, the fans have to wait for only one more day to see the full music video of this track.
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