According to reports, the makers first offered the lead role in the Hindi remake of Aadai to Shraddha Kapoor. However, things didn’t work out between them. Now the makers approached Nushrat Bharucha to play a lead in this film and she really liked the script.
Last year, the arrival of Aadai stunned everyone and Amala Paul has done an exceptional job in it. The film was bold and intense and performed well at the box office. Since it is an A-rated film, therefore the makers want someone who is bold and is willing to take a risk. The film has a nude scene as well.
They wanted a bold actress and Nushrat Bharucha seems like the perfect fit for this movie. However, the actress is yet to sign on the dotted line as the modalities are being discussed. Nushrat really liked this script and it is likely that she will become a part of this project.