Earlier this year, it was revealed that Varun Dhawan would appear in a lead role in Sriram Raghavan’s next directorial “Ekkis.” The film is based on the life on the life of Param Vir Chakra recipient ‘Arun Khetarpal.’ He was martyred at the age of 21 during the Indo-Pak war of 1971.
This film was originally supposed to be the next film to be shot after Varun’s Street dancer 3D. But after that, the global pandemic arrived. And now the news is that the production of the film got postponed again. Many producers already resumed their shoot but only with limited people.
Since Ekkis is a period war drama, it will require a lot of people and will be shot across various locations in India. Therefore the makers postponed its filming to 2021.
Along with Ekkis, Varun Dhawan is all set to appear in three more films. He will appear in Sajid Nadiadwala’s Sanki, Amar Kaushik’s Bhediya, and Raj Mehta’s next project.