Popular Indian filmmaker Rohit Shetty’s two previous blockbuster films Simmba and Golmaal Again are all set to re-release in the US. Both the films received a great response from its viewers and were a great success at the box-office as well. And now Ajay Devgan and Ranveer Singh starrer films are all set to entertain the audience in the US as well.
Reliance Entertainment confirmed this news by posting it on social media. It will be re-released in Regal Virginia Center and Regal Countryside in Virginia. Its been almost five months since the theatres were shut down. But now in some regions, they’ve started to open again.
Ranveer Singh’s Simmba originally released on December 28, 2018. And Ajay Devgan’s Golmaal Again was premiered on October 20, 2017. Now, these Indian blockbusters entertain the audience in the US where theatres are open. Both films will be re-released on August 28, 2020.