Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan might deliver the biggest surprise ever to their fans very soon. The for turned friends are reportedly planning to do a crossover. If this happens, then the fans will see Salman Khan as Tiger in Pathan and Shahrukh Khan as Pathan in Tiger 3. Both actors are keen on doing this crossover.
Salman Khan is delivering back to back blockbuster films every year. Whereas Shahrukh Khan was on a hiatus ever since his film Zero turned to be a flop in 2018. But now the actor is all set to return with a bang with his next film Pathan. The fans will see John Abraham and Deepika Padukone as well in this film. And if everything goes well Salman Khan will also make do a cameo as Tiger in it.
The same goes for his film Tiger 3 as well. He recently wrapped the filming of Radhe and is currently preparing to start the shoot of Tiger 3. According to the reports, Salman Khan will shoot for twelve days for his cameo in Pathan.