Ever since Shahid Kapoor appeared in Kabir Singh, he is on a roll. He is getting several movie offers after that. And according to a report, the actor recently signed Karan Johar’s “Yoddha” which will be directed by Dhadak fame Shashank Khaitan.
Karan and Shahid already have some plans of doing a film together. There were some rumors that Shahid will portray the role of Brigadier Farook Bulsara in a movie based on Maldives Mission. However, there was no confirmation about it. But now Karan locked the actor for Shashank’s next action drama.
Shahid Kapoor has a really busy schedule ahead. He is currently busy shooting for Jersey and after that, he will start preparing for the remake of Soorarai Pottru in which he portrays the role of Air Deccan founder GR Gopinath. Along with these films, Shahid Kapoor will also make his digital debut in a Netflix original film. And now with Yoddha, the actor won’t have any free time in 2021.