According to reports, famous Bollywood actor, Shahid Kapoor will soon wear his cricket kit again to shoot for the final schedule of “Jersey.” The actor began filming for this project back in December 2019, and then he had to halt its production in March 2020 because of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Now according to several reports, the cast and crew will head back to Chandigarh by the end of September to film the remaining portion of this sports drama. A publication quoted “About 15 days’ work is pending. However, before he returns to face the camera, Shahid will have to brush up on his cricket skills as crucial sports scenes will be shot in this schedule. The actor is likely to begin training next week.”
Mrunal Thakur along with the veteran actor Pankaj Kapur will also appear in Telugu’s remake of the sports drama. Shahid Kapoor’s last film “Kabir Singh” was a blockbuster and the makers have high hopes for “Jersey” as well.