Shahid Kapoor recently completed the filming for his upcoming sports drama titled Jersey in December 2020. And now the actor revealed the release date of this film. Today, Shahid Kapoor took on his social media handles to reveal that Jersey will have a theatrical release this Diwali on November 5, 2021.
He posted a picture on his Instagram handle in which he is holding a bat. He shared the same picture on Twitter as well and that too with the same caption. It reads, “JERSEY releasing in theatres this DIWALI 5th November 2021. The triumph of the human spirit. A journey I am so very proud of. This ones for the TEAM ….”
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Along with Shahid Kapoor, the fans will also see Mrunal Thakur and Pankaj Kapur playing the pivotal roles in the film. Gowtham Tinnori served as the director of this film which is all set to premiere later this year.