On Wednesday, the Supreme Court finally directs the CBI to investigate the case of Sushant Singh Rajput. The court also upheld the FIR of Patna and asked Maharashtra Police to co-operate with CBI and also to hand-over all the evidence.
A few weeks back, Sushant’s father filed a complaint against his son’s former girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty in Bihar. He accused her to motivate his son for suicide, plundering money, and to distance him for his family.
Bihar government filed a plea to the SC to transfer the case to CBI so that everyone can know the truth behind the death of Sushant. Rhea Chakraborty also filed a plea for the case to transfer back to Mumbai Police.
However, in today’s decision, the SC judge Hrishikesh Roy announced in his judgment that the Bihar police can initiate a CBI inquiry in Sushant’s case.
Sushant Singh Rajput’s cousin sister, Shweta Singh Kirti, who is asking for a CBI inquiry for the past few weeks shows her gratitude for this judgment by posting a tweet.