Recently Aayush Sharma revealed the first look of Salman Khan as the Sikh cop in Antim: The Final Truth. The fans got really hyped after watching that clip. Now the makers of this film revealed the first look of Aayush Sharma as well. The actor bulked up his body and is playing the role of a fierce gangster in this film.
The first look video was posted on the official YouTube channel of Salman Khan Films. It seems like the first look clip is from the climax of Antim where the two actors will clash. Both these actors transformed their bodies to play their respective roles.
In the teaser, Aayush runs angrily towards Salman and tries to punch him but he was stopped by Salman then both lock horns to the finish. The background music of this clip is also catching the attention of the fans.
Salman Khan also shared this teaser on his official Twitter handle. Antim: The Final Truth is the remake of a Marathi film titled “Mulshi Pattern.” It will hit the theatres in 2021.