Only a few weeks before its release, the makers finally changed the title of Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani Starrer “Laxmmi Bomb” to simply “Laxmii.” The makers were continuously receiving threats and they also received a legal notice from Karni Sena. So when the film for its censor certificate, the producers of the film decided to change the title.
Raghava Lawrence directed this horror-comedy film. Karni Sena sent a legal notice to the makers on Thursdays and demanded the change in its title. In the notice, they described the film titles as “offensive and derogatory” to the Goddess Laxmi of the Hindu community.
According to them they purposely used the word Laxmi to lower the dignity of the goddess. So keeping sentiments of the people in mind, the makers ultimately decide to change the title to “Laxmii.” Now the film is all set to release on November 9, 2020, on Disney+Hotstar.