Veteran filmmaker, producer, and actor Johnny Bakshi died on Saturday, September 5, due to cardiac arrest at Arogya Nidhi hospital in Mumbai. He was admitted on Friday morning after he complained of breathlessness. Johnny Bakshi’s last rites were performed at the crematorium in Mumbai on Saturday.
While talking to PTI, his daughter informed about his condition. She said, “He was hospitalized yesterday due to breathlessness and was put on a ventilator. The COVID-19 test was conducted and he tested negative for it. He passed away between 1.30-2.00 am due to cardiac arrest.”
Johnny Bakshi served the industry for more than four decades. He produced films like “Raavan,” “Manzelein Aur Bhi Hai,” and he directed films like “Khudai,” and “Daku and Police.”
We wish our deepest condolences to his family and friends. May his soul rest in peace.